
Friday, December 10, 2010

Orf in Africa - Day 16 The Footies have finally arrived!

 Six weeks after being dispatched from Cape Town, the footies have finally arrived! We have survived so long without them I wonder if we even need them anymore...

Training is progressing but I don't think rugby will remain high on their agenda once I leave - they love football and play it at every single opportunity. We mix it in with the rugby now. I'm not sure what they think of me when I attempt to trap a pass and spray it off in some random direction......not too much I expect!

Something really cool I have noticed with the kids is the innovative toys they play with. One of the favourites is a car made from rubbish that boys whizz around with. The older the boy, the more elaborate the contraption

These kids sounded impromptu concert with old plastic containers as drums

Had another helper today - Hector from Liverpool. Mr enthusiasm and great to have along .

 And.....just in case you thought it was all hard work here, I have put in a couple of snaps of the fun stuff. The hostel I am staying in is called 'Jollyboys'......there are quite a few Jolly Boys, and Girls for that matter, especially when the bar gets drunk dry - which seems to be quite regularly.


  1. Great news Orf, loving the updates x

  2. hey dad! looks like your having fun! which is great nd that was so creative and cool how they made those toys it just goes to show that one mans rubbish (litterly):) is another mans treasure. And good news that the footies arived!

  3. I want to play drums with those guys.

  4. "We are so inspired and proud of you, Orfy! Email us your account details - the Turnure Quarry family would like to contribute something to the school."

  5. Hey Jesso, glad you are keeping up with the blog. Everybody makes the most of things here...the toys are a good example.

    Tim, those kids had natural rhythm!
