
Monday, December 20, 2010

Orf in Africa - Final Days

Thanks to the various donations, the kids have food to last them for the next few months. Plenty of Millie meal, beans, kapenta, oil and vegies that will last for a week or so.

Friday was my last school day.....I threw the kids a party and we had a blast. Simple things mean so much to these guys - a few balloons, party whistles and lollies, throw in some soft drink and some chicken for a BBQ and time.


  1. Great way to end your experience.I love the gymnastic tower on the concrete floor...At our school the kids are not even allowed to run on the concrete!! Safe travels home Orf and have a wonderful Christmas.
    Love Don xx

  2. hi dad wow those kids can sure do some tricks! i heard that for your farewell you are having roast goat on a spit! that sounds pretty good, anyway can'y wait until you get home!
